In June, Olivet University officials are planning to meet top leaders of Kabarak University, located near Nakuru, Kenya
As of May 31, Dr. David Jang, who served as chancellor and professor of systematic...
Seminary students initiated a "Bible Marathon" to involve Olivet students, regardless of their department, to read the entire Bible this summer.
San Francisco, CA – Olivet University announced that it would be moving its current Scotts Valley, CA location back to the San Francisco, CA campus.
The dean of Olivet Theological College and Seminary, Donald Tinder is to be co-presenter of a paper at the annual Far West regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.
The Olivet College of Journalism recently launched a program for students working in the broadcasting field. One of the side projects includes supporting the university's student newsletter, The Olive Leaf, with online video reporting.
SAN FRANCISCO – Students and alumni of the Jubilee College of Music opened their first 2012 worship concert last Friday at the Greater Gethsemane Church in downtown San Francisco.
Representatives from Olivet University took part in The Association for Biblical Higher Education's 65th Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Higher education Presidents, Chief Academic Officers, Recruitment/Admissions, Development and Fundraising, Business Administrators, Board, Trustees and other Senior Leadership convened to develop and create opportunities for taking their institutions to the next level.
Olivet College Art & Design (OCAD) students recently presented their latest works in a series of Type posters created in their Typography course.
The world of social media is here and journalists are more engaged than ever in utilizing media tools to report, monitor and communicate news. Olivet College of Journalism looks to make social media an integral part in its training of future journalists.
Representatives from Olivet University were in attendance for the celebration of Missio Nexus, the mission agency formed from the merger of CrossGlobal Link and the Mission Exchange. Missio Nexus now represents 200 mission agencies with 35,000 evangelical missionaries deployed to every country in the world and is the largest North American evangelical mission association.
Last week, Olivet University received a visit from Allan Carrington, an expert in education technology from the University of Adelaide in Australia.