Olivet University's College of Business (OCB) is revamping its library to reflect the changing needs of students in how they use the facility as well as the recent curriculum development efforts.
Olivet University's College of Art and Design, OCAD, students are tasked with developing an identity and communications system as part of their final project.
As the Spring quarter approaches, Olivet University's College of Business (OCB) is planning a series of workshops led by Christian industry professionals to provide its students with diversified learning opportunities designed to enhance and enrich their educational experience in and out of traditional classroom environment.
Olivet University IT students are collaborating with the school's Research and Development department to begin an anti-plagiarism project through software development.
Capitalizing on the proximity of diverse industry leaders, Olivet College of Design students were able to see the application of their craft through a guided tour of nearby design powerhouse as they close out the Winter Quarter this week.
Art students from Olivet University's Design College will have the opportunity to showcase work in this year's Christ Centered Art, CCA, show hosted at the Trinity Baptist Church in Livermore, CA.
The Spring Concert hosted by Olivet University's Jubilee Music College is scheduled for Monday, April 9th 7:00PM at the University Chapel.
A group of Olivet University IT Masters students took part in a tour of Google's headquarter campus, Googleplex, in Mountain View, CA.
Visual media is gaining more and more importance in the journalism field. Students at the Olivet University College of Journalism have been putting classroom knowledge into practice.
Olivet University leaders made a strong presence this week at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Associations for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE).
Ministry Practicum students from Olivet University's College of Business (OCB), are merging ideas and practice with the University's R&D department.
Olivet University's College of Business delves into the ethical aspects of individuals and corporate decision-making in the marketplace with this quarter's Ethics and Responsibilities course.