Olivet Professor Dr. Tom Cowley Films Book to TV Adaptation
June 22, 2012
Dean of Olivet College of Business (OCB) and Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) professor Dr. Tom Cowley welcomed students to the filming of his new TV series "A Biography of Jesus-32 Simple Lessons from His life" at the KTLN-TV studios in San Rafael, California.
Dr. Cowley began writing "A Biography of Jesus" in 1988. Since that time, updates and additions have been made in to the book order to keep materials fresh for today's generation. The book has continually been in publication and is now in process of being broadcasted on TV.
Four rolls of twenty-eight minute taped sessions were shot in an afternoon as Dr. Cowley covered the the thirty-two key events in the life of Jesus. The materials covered four geographic locations through short stories, which were titled the "in's" of Nazareth, The "C"s of Capernaum, The "D"s of Judea/Perea and The "T"s of Jerusalem.
During breaks, the audience had an opportunity to gain more in-depth explanations with the OCB Dean. Positive reactions followed the taping session as students in the audience said that the experience helped them remember the events that happened in the life of Jesus. It also gave them a better framework for their OTCS courses.
"Tom opens up the basics of Christian theology with original insight that offers much wisdom." noted author Leonard Sweet.
In addition to A Biography of Jesus, Dr. Cowley also published Remember the Heart of the Bible, in which he creates a framework for understanding the whole Bible while emphasizing the message of God's love.
Dr. Tom J. Cowley's new book, A Biography of Jesus, will be released for Christian Television in Chicago and San Francisco in August.
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