Jubilee College of Music students attended the 2013 Church Music Workshop North at Trinity Church in Livermore, California. JCM Dean, Dr. Merril Smoak was one of the main leaders in planning and coordinating this annual event.
Students from Olivet's IT college flocked to the 2013 Macworld / iWorld event with iFan passes in hand. The annual event showcased the latest in hardware, software, accessories and apps for Apple's mac computers, iPhone, iPod and iPad devices.
Hosted by Olivet University's Alumni Committee in Hong Kong, a 3-day special convention has kicked off on January 28 with Dean of the Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) Dr. Donald Tinder invited as the keynote speaker.
President Tracy Davis invited Olivet University to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. In a message to the Olivet University community, she encouraged everyone to view his "I Have a Dream" speech.
New Year's is a time for resolutions, and the Olivet University Choir is resolved to be a vocal ensemble of the highest quality in 2013, according to Jubilee College of Music, JCM.
Olivet University held its Winter Quarter faculty meeting on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2012 at its campus in San Francisco.
Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) welcomed Dr. Creig Marlowe who recently joined Olivet's faculty as an Old Testament professor.
Design students from the Olivet College of Art & Design prepped the final touches on their book covers for an upcoming gallery exhibit scheduled later this month.
Olivet University inaugurated the new President, Dr. Tracy J. Davis, in a special ceremony held on Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 at the school's Chapel in San Francisco.
Greetings for Christmas and the New Year from Olivet Theological College and Seminary's Dean Dr. Donald Tinder. Matthew's gospel in chapter two tells us of the visit to Palestine of the Magi ("Wise Men," astrologers who advised the rulers back then, and even today in parts of the world) from somewhere further east in Asia.
Olivet University is pleased to announce today that the Board of Trustees has named Dr. Tracy Davis as the institution's next president.
Each December Dr. Merril Smoak, Dean of the Jubilee College of Music, directs four performances of a Christmas...