About Olivet

Welcome to Olivet University, where future leaders and scholars are equipped to change the world for Jesus Christ.


  • OU Hosts Visit from Global Media Outreach

    Last week, Olivet University hosted a visit from representatives of Global Media Outreach, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC)

  • Olivet and WEA form Educational Partnership

    Olivet University is pleased to announce the formation of an educational partnership with the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the WEA Leadership Institute.

  • Summer Ministry Internship Opportunities for OTCS Students

    This summer, students are being exposed to a variety of opportunities in the field as OTCS students are participating in summer internships at Christian ministries. The students are able to gain real-life practical experiences that will develop their skills as ministers.

  • OCAD Holds Thesis Review

    The Olivet College of Art & Design (OCAD) held a committee panel review for graduating OCAD Masters students.

  • Students Take Advantage of R&D Opportunities

    The summer break is providing a unique opportunity for students to enhance their learning and develop their skills. One area which is providing a comprehensive opportunity for students is in Olivet University’s Research & Development (R&D) center.

  • OCJ Students to Join DC Lecture Series

    Graduate students from Olivet College of Journalism (OCJ) will learn journalism from the industry professionals this summer during a two-week lecture series in Washington D.C.

  • Summer Fellowship with Dr. Wagner

    As the Spring Semester has finished, Olivet University students are preparing their summer plans. To begin the summer break, Dr. William Wagner, president of Olivet University, invited the student body for a time of fellowship at his home in Petaluma, California.

  • Olivet Holds Commencement 2010

    On Friday, June 11, parents, and members of administration, faculty and governing board, together with students, alumni and the Class of 2010 convened to celebrate Commencement 2010. The ceremony was held in Olivet University Chapel at the University's main campus in downtown San Francisco, California.

  • Dr. Tony Sargent to Speak at Commencement

    Olivet University’s 2010 Commencement Ceremony will feature Dr. Tony Sargent, Principal Emeritus of International Christian College in Glasgow Scotland. Dr. Sargent visited Olivet University as a guest lecturer in 2008 speaking on the topic of Martin Lloyd-Jones.

  • JCM's Dr. Smoak Hosts Art Exhibit

    Jubilee College of Music's Dean Dr. Merrill Smoak hosted the annual Pentecost Art Exhibit at the Trinity Baptist Church in Livermore, CA title "A Celebration of Christ Centered Arts."

  • Olivet Hosts Business and Design Workshop

    Olivet College of Business (OCB) and Olivet College of Art & Design (OCAD) collaborated on hosting its first workshop that combined elements of business into fashion design and merchandising.

  • OCAD's Patricia Oji Exhibits Work

    Olivet College of Art & Design (OCAD) faculty member Patricia Oji exhibited her work this month at the Marin Arts Open at San Rafael. The annual festival is organized by the Marin Arts Council, whose mission is to promote a vibrant and creative engagement of the arts through its country wide art shows.


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Calendar / Events

  • MAR 19

    Last day of classes

  • MAR 20

    Final exam period

  • MAR 21

    Last day to register without charge

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