About Olivet

Welcome to Olivet University, where future leaders and scholars are equipped to change the world for Jesus Christ.


  • Olivet Congratulates Graduating Class at 2011 Commencement

    Olivet University's 2011 Commencement was held on Friday, June 17, 2011 at the main campus in San Francisco, CA. The event was also streamed live via webcast for online students and guests from around the globe.

  • Olivet Institute of Technology Joins Apple WWDC 2011

    The Apple Annual Worldwide Developers Conference introduces its latest innovative technology for developers. Olivet Institute of Technology (OIT) participated in the event as Apple showcased the latest iOS 5 for mobile devices, their new OS X Lion, and iCloud. The technologies are very well tied into the university and IT college tools in exploring efficient communication methods for ministry affiliates.

  • OCAD Dean Featured in Latest Art & Theology Magazine

    The latest featured magazine article from ARTS: Arts in Religious and Theological Studies, was written by Olivet College of Art & Design Dean Dr. Joan Brix Carter. Titled “Destaebler’s Winged Figure: A Unique Vision,” the article was an art historical look at Stephen DeStaebler’s sculpture in the rotunda of the Graduate Theolgical Union’s Flora Lamson Hewlett Library.

  • Olivet Attends Special Lecture on Christian Leadership

    Leading management expert, Dr. Ken Blanchard, who spoke on Monday, May 2 in Danville, CA on the subject of Christian...

  • OTCS Alumnus to Receive Albert Schweitzer Fellowship

    Olivet Theological College & Seminary, alumnus Mr. So Onishi, was honored as a recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship for 2011-12. Mr. Onishi will be working with the Health ministry of Zion Baptist Church to promote health literacy and awareness in North Philadelphia.

  • Olivet Launches WEA’s First Leadership Course

    The WEA Leadership Institute of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) has launched its first course, Effective Public Engagement, in collaboration with its global partner, Olivet University.

  • Students Experience the Arts at Annual Church Event

    JCM and OCAD students attended the Art Festival at Trinity Baptist Church in Livermore, CA. The annual event offers an opportunity for local Christian artist to gather for a weekend of arts, music, and worship. The theme was entitled “Let All Creation Praise The Lord.(Psalm148)”

  • JCM Dean Explores Music & Worship

    Dr. Merril Smoak shares his thoughts on the effects of worship in Christian life and how God engages through music. He is passionate about leading others to the Lord through worship and singing. Dr. Smoak also serves as an associate pastor of music and worship at Trinity Church in Livermore,CA.

  • Olivet Participates in ABHE Annual Conference

    Olivet University representatives participated in the 64th Annual Meeting of The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) from February 23-26, 2010 in Orlando, Florida. The annual conference attracts presidents, academic deans, and other education leaders from bible-based institutions across North America.

  • Students Serving Global Ministries through Design

    Olivet College of Art & Design (OCAD) students are participating in training and service through Olivet’s semester long ministry practicum programs. The program combines class training and one-on-one mentorship with professional designers in the field.

  • Dr. David James Randolph Named Dean of OCJ

    Dr. David James Randolph, who champions New Media in religion and education, has been named Dean of the Olivet College of Journalism (OCJ). He served as former president to Olivet University and made significant numbers of developments during his tenure such as accreditation status, enhanced learning resources, and expanded campus facilities.

  • Olivet Welcomes Spring Semester with Convocation Ceremony

    Olivet University’s 2011 Spring Convocation was held on Thursday, February 3 at the University Chapel in San Francisco, CA. Students, faculty, and staff gathered to celebrate a new semester which included the welcoming of new students who have enrolled for the Spring semester.


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  • MAR 19

    Last day of classes

  • MAR 20

    Final exam period

  • MAR 21

    Last day to register without charge

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