About Olivet

Welcome to Olivet University, where future leaders and scholars are equipped to change the world for Jesus Christ.


  • IT lectures prepare students for new era of ministry

    A new lecture series entitled "Internet Programming" is being taught at Olivet University through its College of Information Technology. OCIT Professor Jane Kwon will focus on developing fundamental internet programming skills for application in an ever-expanding internet and network-savvy world.

  • William Carey Library Completes Expansion Project

    The William Carey Library -under renovation for almost four months for a major expansion-announced the completion of building efforts on November 13, 2006.

  • Open House for Prospective and Continuing Students

    Beginning Monday, November 2, 2006, the University will host it's a three-day Open House. This event will include special information sessions, discussion groups with current students and faculty

  • Jubilee College of Music Prepares for Fall Event

    The Olivet University community can look forward to some special festivities this fall being prepared by the Jubilee College of Music.

  • Wagner Family Hosts Olivet Fall Picnic

    Olivet University students, faculty, and staff enjoyed a delightful fall picnic on October 7, 2006 at the home of Dr. & Mrs. William L. Wagner, Academic Dean of Olivet University in Petaluma, CA.

  • Olivet Faculty Lecture Series Fall 2006

    Olivet University will convene a Faculty Lecture Series October 24-28. The lectures, which will be held in several cities in East Asia, will bring together Biblical and theological scholars with faculty, students and others to reflect critically about ministry in the twenty-first century and grapple with issues of global mission.

  • October 2006 Leadership Gathering

    Monday, September 24, 2006--Leaders representing the faculty, staff and students communities of Olivet University will take part in an international leadership conference this October.

  • Fall Semester University Picnic Set for October

    Olivet University students, faculty and staff are invited to attend an all-campus University picnic for the academic year on October 7th (Saturday).

  • Olivet Welcomes ABHE Site Visit Team

    Olivet University welcomed five officials representing the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) September 14-16 for an on-site evaluation.

  • William Carey Library Orientation Held

    On September 7, William Carey Library Orientation was held at Olivet University main campus, led by the university librarian, Mrs. Ma, who was hired Nov., 2005 and has been brought us the great help and advice.

  • Olivet Convenes Fall Leadership Retreat

    Olivet administrators and faculty members gathered at the San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville, California August 10-11 for the University's annual Leadership Retreat. The retreat was co-presided by University President Dr. David James Randolph and Dean of Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) Dr. William Lyle Wagner.

  • OTCS Professor Tallman Talks Mission, Future Vision

    In his presentation to Olivet University representatives at the Leadership Retreat meeting in Danville, CA this year, Professor of Olivet Theological College & Seminary Dr. Joseph Ray Tallman interpreted the school's statement of mission with a keen eye towards the future. The following is a selection of his remarks delivered on Thursday, August 10,


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Calendar / Events

  • MAR 19

    Last day of classes

  • MAR 20

    Final exam period

  • MAR 21

    Last day to register without charge

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