Tues., Nov. 29, 2005–Olivet University submitted a formal request to host its first official site team visit in September 2006 to the accrediting body, the Association for Higher Biblical Education (ABHE).
Olivet University is adopting the latest digital technology including video, internet, and wireless technologies.
OCAD opened its Fall Semester's student gallery show for 2005. Students showcased works from last and this semester, ranging from layout designs, charcoal drawings to digital imagery.
The oohs and ahs could be heard echoing through the attractive, spacious rooms as a group of Christian leaders joined Olivet University administrators and students for a tour of the renovated newly opened facilities that will house the Olivet University Center for Information Technology.
OCAD is now accepting applications from design students for their Annual Internship program. A few selected applicants will do work-study with professional designers at assigned ministries and companies.
Faculty and students prepare diligently for midterms for the fall semester of 2005. Practice rooms have never been so busy and hallways ring with the echo of piano pieces and the voices of tutors and students.
On Oct. 22, a shipment of approximately 10,000 Korean-language books arrived at Olivet University. The shipment, which departed from Korea on July 30 and arrived at the Port of San Francisco, was made possible with help from Olivet University ministry partners.
Dr. David J. Jang, president of Olivet University, paid a visit to U.S. Center for World Mission (USCWM) and William Carey International University in Pasadena, Calif. on October 17, 2005. Upon his arrival, Dr. J. Jang was welcomed warmly by Dr. Ralph Winter, the founder of both institutions, and his associates.
OU IT center is currently planning to launch a new version of MyOlivet. The online system will provide logins for students, faculty, and administrators to do everything from checking grades to planning courses. The upgraded is slated to become available in Fall 2006. The following is a list of feature enhancements.
It is the fourth week of class for Jubilee College of Music students in both the San Francisco Main campus and the Seoul, S. Korea education center.
Olivet University Art and Design students have begun gathering works for the Heal Art Auction. Heal is a benefit art auction about healing and the healing power of art. All proceeds go to the Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic (CMCC), which provides FREE complementary alternative medicine and social services to underserved women who have cancer.
As classes begin to settle down and new students feel more comfortable around campus, OCAD will officially begin its semester long workshops for graphic design majors. Each week, an instructor or guest instructor will offer open lectures and work time in relation to graphic design, web design, drawing, and art history.