On Thursday, December 14 Olivet University held its first ever Christmas Party sponsored by the Office of the President.
The new Spring Semester is about to begin and Olivet Theological College and Seminary (OTCS) is preparing an array of courses to be offered.
As the next semester approaches, new plans and visions are in store for Olivet College of Art and Design.
In what is hoped will be a major step towards establishing a student-run radio station at Olivet University, the Jubilee College of Music will broadcast the first radio drama produced by students at the University's downtown San Francisco campus this week.
In the emergence of new internet technology practices seen through Web 2.0, Olivet College of Information Technology will be offering revised courses with particular emphasis of security and development practices.
Dr. Don Tinder's "Church History" intensive lectures series are being held December 5-22. This foundational course introduces key themes, movements and personalities in Christian history and theology by examining decisive periods in the history of the Church.
On December 3, Olivet's Graphic Design Instructor Patti Oji exhibited her array of talents with watercolors on canvas at an opening reception at the Thomsson Hall located in the Sausalito Presbyterian Church.
The fragrance of worship was brought upon Olivet University last night, as the Jubilee College of Music performed their very first Christmas concert - a choral program entitled "O Come Let us Sing."
With the winter season fast approaching, students at the Jubilee College of Music are busy preparing for what will be the school's first Christmas Concert.
December 1, 2006 - The ranks of the Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) faculty have expanded over the fall with the arrival of new adjunct professor Dr. Don Tinder.
The following spring semester will introduce Ching-Cheng Lee as a new professor and dean to the Olivet College of Information Technology.
The Office of the University Chaplain of Olivet University is hosting a Thanksgiving Potluck.