
Olivet University requests site visit from accrediting agency

December 05, 2005

Tues., Nov. 29, 2005–Olivet University submitted a formal request to host its first official site team visit in September 2006 to the accrediting body, the Association for Higher Biblical Education (ABHE). Upon the successful completion of a site visit by ABHE evaluators, Olivet hopes to be considered for advancement from “applicant” to “candidacy” accreditation status on an accelerated schedule – about half the time it takes an institution under ordinary circumstances.

Advancing to candidacy accreditation status would signify that Olivet University has achieved the educational standards met by other institutions of Biblical higher education at this stage of the accreditation process. Candidacy status is a pre-accredited status granted to institutions that show promise of achieving accreditation within four years. Candidate institutions are required to submit annual progress reports demonstrating progress toward accreditation.

Olivet’s request for an ABHE site visiting team follows the completion of an in-depth self-study review process at the University, which resulted in a 600-page self-study report submitted to ABHE offices in mid-November 2005. “Our entire college community was involved in the self-study process,” commented Dr. David Jang, Olivet University President and Academic Dean. “Its completion represents a milestone for the University, and demonstrates our commitment to continual improvement in the quality of our educational offerings.”

The Association for Biblical Higher Education is recognized as a national accrediting agency by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, and is listed by the United States Department of Education as a recognized agency for biblical higher education. This recognition extends as well to ABHE candidate institutions, as well. The Association’s member institutions are recognized by the Department of Justice, the Veteran’s Administration, and other relevant federal agencies in the United States.

ABHE is also recognized by the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education, the theological education affiliate of the World Evangelical Alliance. The Council is a global community sponsored by eight continental/regional associations of theological schools.

“The process of advancing towards full accreditation is marked by hard work, team effort, and a great deal of learning at every level,” stated Rev. Andrew Lin, Chairman of Olivet University’s Board of Directors, and Stated Clerk of the Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches, the University’s sponsoring denomination. “We hope a successful site visit will communicate a very positive message within and outside of our community, and look forward to it,” he added. 

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