
OTCS Dean Lectures in Colombia

April 05, 2013

Dr. Donald Tinder, the Dean of Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS), was invited to give lectures at the Biblical Seminary of Colombia in Medellín, Colombia from April 2-5.

The Biblical Seminary of Colombia, founded in 1944 by the Oriental Missionary Society, is an inter-denominational theological school with official recognition of the Colombian Ministry of Education. The invitation was extended through the seminary’s president, Elizabeth Sendek, who was a student of Dr. Tinder when he was teaching at New College, Berkeley in the 1980s.

During the 4-day series, Olivet University's Dr. Tinder will give lectures on the topic of "Unity and Diversity in Evangelical Theology".

Dr. Tinder received his B.A. from Yale University, M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. from Yale University. Prior to accepting his position as the Dean of OTCS, Dr. Tinder has held academic positions at Evangelical Theological Faculty (Belgium) and Tyndale Theological Seminary (Netherlands). 

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