
ZSDS Annual Doctoral Colloquium Kicks Off at Riverside Campus
The annual doctoral colloquium kicks off today at Olivet University's Riverside campus. The first week of class features four seminars on Doctoral Research, Women in History and Theology, World Movements and Biblical Hermeneutics.
ZSDS Annual Colloquium at Riverside Campus Will Feature Seminars on Diverse Topics
Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies will be holding its annual colloquium from Nov 6 to 16 at Olivet University's Riverside campus. This year ZSDS is bringing in a couple of new faculty who will lecture on diverse topics.
Master of Divinity Program Adds New Concentrations
Olivet Theological College and Seminary has completed its 3-year revision process of its flagship degree the Master of Divinity. It has always been a goal for OTCS to prepare ministry-bound men and women for the 21st mission challenges awaiting