The annual doctoral colloquium kicks off today at Olivet University's Riverside campus. The first week of class features four seminars on Doctoral Research, Women in History and Theology, World Movements and Biblical Hermeneutics.
Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies will be holding its annual colloquium from Nov 6 to 16 at Olivet University's Riverside campus. This year ZSDS is bringing in a couple of new faculty who will lecture on diverse topics.
Olivet Theological College and Seminary has completed its 3-year revision process of its flagship degree the Master of Divinity. It has always been a goal for OTCS to prepare ministry-bound men and women for the 21st mission challenges awaiting
On September 22, 2017, Olivet University students, staff and faculty from Riverside, Dover and San Francisco campuses participated in the Fall 2017 Convocation respectively to welcome the new academic year and dedicate it to the Lord.
Following the publication and distribution of the first devotional book co-authored by a group of Master of Divinity students at Olivet Theological College & Seminary, they were invited to witness their faith on a local Christian TV channel KTLN.
Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies faculty, Olivet University students and faculty had an opportunity to showcase their devotional book "A Study of 32 Bible Topics with Real Stories for Young People" on KTLN, a Northern California-based Christian TV Channel.
Olivet University's Class of 2017 has received well-earned congratulations from faculty, staff and friends at this year's commencement ceremony, which was held at the school's Riverside campus on Friday June 23rd.
When a student dreams of their higher education experience they have many options to choose from. In America alone there are over 4,000 colleges and universities and within those institutions over 1 million students are international students.
The Ralph D. Winter Library is pleased to provide lifetime borrowing privileges to Olivet Alumni as well as other services, and encourages Olivet University Alumni to make use of the library during their visits to campus or wherever they are.
Olivet University Commencement 2017 will feature a live tweet, allowing Olivet friends and families to celebrate the event with their loved ones via their mobile devices or computers.
Olivet University Faculty and World Evangelical Alliance Leadership Institute trainees attended a special lecture on Tuesday, June 13 at Fide Hall by Dr. Ralph Enlow, the president of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE).