The Olivet School of Media and Communication (OSMC) will introduce a couple of new programs for non-journalism students who desire to brush up ...
After the success of last year's Annual Fall Art Exhibition, the Olivet School of Art and Design (OSAD) is once again getting ready to display its finest student work for this year's 2018 Fall Art Exhibition.
Dr. Merril Smoak, Dean of the Jubilee College of Music, has joined the Doctoral Council of Olivet University's Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies.
The Olivet School of Language Education (OSLE) released a list of programs that are aimed at improving students' English-learning skills. Introduction to TESOL Methods,
Olivet Theological College and Seminary, OTCS, is partnering with local mission organizations to provide more hands-on training ...
Olivet University's new Mill Valley campus in the San Francisco Bay area is opening more opportunities for the Olivet School of Art and Design (OSAD) students.
Though it is summer vacation, many Olivet University students are choosing to take this time as an opportunity to further equip ...
Graduate students from Olivet School of Media and Communication (OSMC) at the Riverside main campus reported significant self-growth with journalism skills ...
Olivet's Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies has typically hosted its annual colloquium ...
Settling in OU San Francisco's new campus has opened a new area of research study for the Olivet Institute of Technology (OIT).
Students from Jubilee College of Music (JCM) are participating in a summer internship program sponsored by The Jubilee World ministry in St. Louis, MO. Programs offered to intern students are aimed to help improve their music skills and basic foundations by participating in worship music performances.
The workshop invited staff representatives from Olivet Schools and administrative departments. The purposes of the workshop