Doctoral students at the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies (ZSDS) are meeting their mentors regularly in Ministry Track sessions to help them focus on completing their final research projects.
Olivet Business School Manhattan campus recently hosted a faculty meeting to discuss the school's academic programs and developments. The faculty team expressed its commitment to build a competitive global business study and research program.
A new episode of "My OU Story" scripted, directed and produced by students at Olivet School of Media and Communication is ready to premiere.
The Olivet School of Art and Design has recently launched its new website, which reflects the school identity and offers insightful content about its programs.
Olivet Institute of Technology's Master of Arts in Information Technology (MAIT) students from Riverside main campus are focusing on their capstone project, which they will continue to develop into the 2019 Spring quarter.
The Jubilee College of Music at Riverside campus introduced their lineup of new course offerings for Spring 2019.
In the last week of March, the Olivet School of Language Education welcomed two professional instructors Maria Castillo and Erin Myles from the Hemet Unified School District English Language Development Department for a training session.
Recently Olivet Institute of Technology San Francisco campus invited Google developer Lenjoy Lin as a guest speaker to share with students about IT startups and the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley.
The Color and Design course offered by Olivet School of Art and Design was one of several classes that highlighted the 2019 Winter quarter.
Olivet Business School students gained great insight into the marketing opportunities in pet care product market through participating in the Global Pet Expo in Orlando, Florida last week.
DMin candidates at the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies Sonia Lee and Sarah Cho successfully passed the doctoral panel review of their DMin thesis projects this quarter.
Jubilee College of Music students at Olivet University attended Chris Tomlin's Holy Roar concert held at San Diego State University last weekend.