On the evening of Friday, June 13, parents, and members of administration, faculty and governing board, together with students, alumni and the graduating Class of 2008 convened at Olivet University for Spring Commencement 2008. The ceremony was held in Olivet University Chapel at the University's main campus in downtown San Francisco, California.
The exercises began with a procession of academic leaders into the University Chapel, followed by a series of warm addresses by University President Dr. David James Randolph and faculty representatives celebrating the Class of 2008. Choral devotions from the Jubilee College of Music interspersed the evening's events.
The Convocation Address was delivered by Dr. Fermin Whittaker, Executive Director of California Southern Baptist Convention. In his impassioned speech, Dr. Whittaker likened the position of the Class of 2008 to that of Joshua poised to lead the army of Moses into Canaan. "God told Joshua don't be afraid," he reminded the graduates, who have completed programs in the disciplines of theology, music, journalism, graphic design, and information technology. "Look out: you will have difficulties; but God is in charge, and he is with you."
Commencement traditionally is one of the most widely and diversely attended University events. This year students representing over a dozen nations were present. The 1½ hour ceremony included a special video presentation of Olivet University graduates who completed their program of studies online. The ceremony also was broadcast live to off-campus viewers.
Following the ceremony, guests enjoyed a special reception at the executive offices of Olivet University to celebrate the occasion.
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