
2014-15 Convocation Speaker is Thomas K. Johnson

September 08, 2014

September 8, 2014 -- Thomas Johnson, Ph.D., Senior Advisor to the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, is scheduled to speak at the university's 2014 Convocation Friday, September 12.

Dr. Johnson is a member of the Olivet University faculty and holds positions as Research Vice President, Martin Bucer Seminary and Research Institutes, Academic Council member, International Institute for Religious Freedom, and Global Scholars Professor (

Olivet holds Convocation ceremony every fall at the start of the new academic year.

"This year's Convocation speaker will share insight from his a wealth of scholarship with our school community in the field of theology fields" says Olivet University President Dr. Tracy Davis. "Dr. Johnson’s invitation recognizes him as someone who has exhibited a career of distinguished Christian service that serves as an inspiration to students and an indication of values that are esteemed by Olivet University."

Students, family, faculty, alumni and friends are welcome to join Convocation activities, which will take place at Olivet’s Riverside Campus Chapel at 4:00 pm PST.


About Thomas K. Johnson
Thomas K. Johnson received his Ph.D. in ethics from the University of Iowa (1987) after a research followship at Eberhard-Karls Universitat (Tubingen). He received a Master of Divinity (Magna Cum Laude) from Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, 1981) and a BA from Hope College (Michigan, 1977). After serving as a church planter in the Presbyterian Church America he became a visiting professor of philosophy at the European Humanities University in Minsk, Belarus, 1994-1996. (EHU is a dissident, anti-Communist university, forced into exile by the Belarusian dictator in 2004.) Since 1996 he and his wife have lived in Prague, where he taught philosophy at Anglo-American University (4 years) and at Charles University (8 years). He is now Vice President for Research, Martin Bucer European School of Theology and Research Institutes; Academic Council, International Institute for Religious Freedom (WEA); Professor of Philosophy, Global Scholars, and Senior to the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. His wife, Leslie P. Johnson, is director of the Christian International School of Prague.

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