Dr. Christy Tran of Olivet Theological College and Seminary is leading the Romans I course through the 2020 Winter quarter. The course aims to provide an overview of Christian doctrines through the writings of Apostle Paul in the Epistle to Romans. Dr. Tran explained detailedly reformed church's core doctrines such as justification by faith alone and three great imputations, in comparison to the doctrines of Roman Catholicism.
According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the Bible contains two main things: firstly, it is the identity and acts of God; secondly, how believers should live their lives. These two teachings of the Bible may be viewed as "doctrines" and "ethics." Doctrines are what Christians must believe in and ethics dictate how Christians must act.
"Doctrinal studies should not be peripheral but essential to a Christian's maturity of faith," Dr. Tran said, emphasizing that Christians ought to deeply learn what God has done for them through Christ.
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