The Media Team at Olivet University Riverside campus is continuing its work on producing Olivet Seminary's first lecture series delivered by Dr. William Wagner. The first unit of the series has been sent to Olivet Seminary for review and feedback to plan for the next step.
The theme of the said lecture series is "Church Planting - Perspective from the Book of Nehemiah." Dr. Wagner uses the book of Nehemiah as the basis for formulating a step by step method for missionaries to start a new church. On one hand, the lectures talk about methodology; on the other hand, Dr. Wagner shares about his mission field experience as examples to help students think about the actionable steps.
Both the academics and media team are collaborating to produce a high-quality product. The media team is working on adding relevant bible images and video clips as visual references in the lectures. Curating the specific images particular to the lecture content does not only depend on the aesthetics but also requires historical and biblical literacy. Sometimes, the content would require moving graphs and texts to be made by graphic designers.
The media team and Olivet Seminary will continue to discuss how to continue making the video lecture project more efficient and sustainable. Discussions have included setting up the proper facility, acquiring equipment and data storage systems, as well as forming a dedicated media and IT support team for this particular project.
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