Each year Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. This year that day is November 28. As a Christian, it always seems odd to me that we would set aside only one day each year to give thanks. Giving thanks is inseparably and forever tied to our life in Christ and our worship. Each new day as we remember what God has provided through his son Jesus we naturally give thanks and begin to worship. Remembering + Giving Thanks = Worship. Let's consider three things to remember each day.
Each day as we awake from our sleep we remember that God has created a new day. We then look outside and see the beauty of God's creation. We remember that all of this was created for us to enjoy. We remember and give thanks.
Each day we rejoice in our new life in Christ. We remember Jesus' death on the cross that provides forgiveness of our sins. We remember His victory over death on Resurrection Sunday that guarantees our new life in Christ. We remember that even now Jesus sits at the right hand of God in the heavenly realm daily advocating for us. We remember and give thanks.
Each day we enjoy the fellowship and friendship of brothers and sisters in Christ. We remember that we are not alone as we journey through the joys and trials of life. We remember that family and friends encourage and pray for us. We remember the joy of singing and praying together. We remember and give thanks.
Only three? Of course not! Because of God's abundant blessings poured out on us, there is always much more to remember and then give thanks. So why are you waiting? Begin right now to remember what God has provided and done for you. This will lead to giving thanks and worship.
We remember, give thanks, and worship through these words from the Psalms:
It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to your name, O Most High;
(Psalms 92:1)
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