The OTCS course I Christian Apologetics has commenced at Olivet University's San Francisco Campus. The course aims to introduce apologetics from biblical and theological perspectives. Students enjoyed the engaging lecture, vibrant active group discussions, and presentations on the first week of class.
Apologetics is the field of Christian thought that focuses on the justification of the core themes of the Christian faith and its effective communication to the non-Christian World. It also celebrates and proclaims the intellectual solidity, the imaginative richness, and the spiritual depth of the gospel in ways that can connect with our culture.
"Students in this course will gain broader and further construal as to apologetical approaches and its significance to the contemporary people. Hence it will be practically used for the furtherance of their ministries, evangelism, and missions in particular," senior professor Dr. Joseph Lee said.
"This class is very impressive. It changes my previous perception that apologetics course is usually boring. Dr. Joseph Lee explains everything in detail and I can see his professionalism. I didn't regret that I chose this class! I think I will learn a lot for sure," a senior Master of Divinity student said.
OTCS hopes that the course will equip and train the students to be able to give answers to the issues of the modern world.
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