This quarter, Dr. Jung Min Park and Dr. Hong Fu from Olivet Theological College and Seminary (OTCS) co-taught the New Testament II course. The course covered the beginnings of Christianity and the challenges it faced with emphasis on Paul's positive message in his letters and responses.
"The Pauline epistles were written to churches and individuals addressing many issues in the early church and giving instructions and encouragement to the believers of his day," Dr. Park mentioned in the class. "As it is written in Ecclesiastes 1:9, what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
Through the six weeks study, students explored the insight from learning Paul's mission journey, gaining wisdom for application towards their future mission. "The class helped me to solve many doubts that were unanswered," shared Liping Sun, a student in the course.
"I confess that the answers to all the problems encountered in the path of faith could be found in the Bible. Now I am eager to learn more God's words," shared Jiali He, another student in the class.
"I am very grateful for the course where I can study Paul's letters. I have a deeper understanding on apostle Paul's travel and ministry work. The teaching of doctrines is very clear and my heart is passionate towards mission," shared Grace Wu, another student in the class.
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