The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) students from the Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies (ZSDS) recently had an opportunity to select ministry tracks of their interest and apply for it.
In all, 50 percent of the students selected tracks related to education/bible study workbooks. About 30 percent of the students selected church planting and evangelism, and the remaining 20 percent selected music, family or IT ministry.
The recently created six ministry tracks opened the gates for different field study where each track is led by a track leader with extensive experience in the area.
"We are updating our D.Min. program structure to better serve Olivet's current doctoral candidates," D.Min. Program Director Dr. Tom Cowley said.
After completing four core courses and writing a "Spiritual Autobiography",' students will proceed with the 4-Phase study to complete their D.Min. program.
In Phase 1, students will join a study track and start their work with their assigned mentor and peer group. In Phase 2, they work on module lectures and research. Then in Phase 3, students complete their D.Min. project proposal before conducting the project in Phase 4. Conclusively, candidates would write a final paper and summarize their findings.
Additionally, ZSDS has selected mentors who can work closely with students in each respective ministry track while guiding them through the project phase. The school believes these tracks will provide additional resources to assist students' progress towards their final project.
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