Does God belong in the public arena of politics, business, law and education? Or is religion a private matter, only personally comforting but publicly irrelevant? These questions, among others, are being addressed in a World Perspectives class that was launched this quarter.
The course, led by Dr. Matthias Gebhardt, is being offered by Olivet Theological College & Seminary to teach Christian worldview and its implications for the Christian life. It is designed to help students understand the world and one’s place in it.
“As a Christian, it takes me so much effort to pursue the right Christian life. I’m always looking forward to the chance of studying worldview,” said one OTCS student. “Through this course, I hope I can see the current society and culture through a distinctly Christian lens and start to interpret everything I see, think, and do through a Christian worldview. I hope this course can show me how Christianity is not just a religious truth but rather is the total truth about the whole of reality.”
The Bible speaks into the totality of life, including both the private and public spheres, Gebhardt told students. He also stressed that missions works should not be reduced to Bible teaching only. God’s work can be done through not only Bible teachers but also Christian lawyers, artists, and many others.
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