
JCM Graduate Leads Public Praise & Worship Concert

June 11, 2015

Jubilee College of Music (JCM) held its Praise & Worship concert at the University chapel in San Francisco, CA.

The complete concert was formulated by Jubilee graduate student Binyu Zhao, as part of her class requirement for the Concert Leadership Course.

Dr. Merril Smoak, the Dean of JCM, opened up the concert with warm introductions before a series of contemporary songs were performed by Zhao. Her performance included "For All You've Done," "Mighty to Save," "Give Thanks to The Lord," and other selections. Local musicians and other graduates participated in the event as some formed the band for Zhao’s performance.

"It was my first time to plan and organize an entire concert on my own," shared Zhao. "It was definitely not easy but a great experience to understand how music ministers operate their various musical events."

Jubilee College of Music offers a complete learning experiences of traditional and contemporary Christian music and leads young professionals to world level in every aspect such as composition, writing, and performance.

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