
Doctoral Candidates Conclude Oral Defense with Diverse Projects

May 18, 2015

Zinzendorf School of Doctoral Studies(ZSDS) held oral defense for D.min program with diverse projects in San Francisco last week.

Zinzendorf faculty and mentors convened to evaluate each candidate’s presentation on their final papers. The Olivet University Doctoral Committee reviewed a series of diverse topics with three of them focused on Bible studies for new Christians, young professionals and Sunday school children. Other topics included IT protection for missionaries, web site for Christian CEOs, and a guide book to understanding suffering.

During the oral defense, candidates were challenged to apply their studies toward current ministry and the binding process towards graduation.

Dr. Tom Cowley, the director of D.min program, expressed his appreciation for each candidate’s hard work and encouraged them to complete the final versions in Turabian style.

Meanwhile, all candidates showed their gratitude for the support of their mentors, professors and staff.

The Doctor of Ministry program at Olivet University was established to link theological research studies to Christian ministries related to church planting, mission strategies and other missionary work at the highest level.

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