Olivet University has embarked on a strategic planning initiative to identify its opportunities and challenges.
To facilitate this process, the University engaged the firm, Anthony Knerr and Associates (AKA), to guide the strategic planning process and activities.
This month, the University completed the initial “diagnostic” phase of the process, which began in late 2014 – the 10th anniversary of Olivet University’s establishment in California.
The resulting diagnostic report identifies the most important strategic issues and concerns facing Olivet that will be addressed throughout the remaining strategic planning process.
The strategic planning process is expected to continue through the end of 2015.
The overall goal is to create a strategic plan that serves as a pragmatic and flexible framework for allocating resources and prioritizing initiatives in the future.
Those participating in the effort are trustees, faculty members, graduate and undergraduate students, staff, alumni, and friends of the university.
The University will be seeking further input from board members, faculty, staff and students this spring for the continued development of a strategic plan that will guide the university's progress over the next five to ten years.
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