Olivet College of Business will be offering its Business Strategy course for the 2014 Winter Quarter.
The course focuses on analyzing and diagnosing business problems as well as developing and implementing effective strategic solutions. Students enrolled in the course can expect to build skills in conducting strategic analysis in competitive situations and receive hands-on experience in crafting business strategy.
The purpose of the course is to couple education in Biblical higher education with hands on business experience. Knowledge in the subjects of business strategy, business ethics, and social responsibility are essential to managers and leaders, combined with hands-on applied projects that develop practical skills and experience, all of which prepare students to work as leaders and contributors in the for-profit and non-profit sectors, in paid and volunteer roles, and as contributions to church or ministry.
Teaching the course will be professor Lisa Tolliver (AB Harvard, MBA+post-grad Columbia) who is a NYSED-licensed professional trainer and university professor. Her publications portfolio includes two telecom industry guidebooks; many professional and literary publications, regulatory filings, educational materials, performance art, and digital properties. She also hosts business and public affairs radio programs, lectures internationally and serves on several organizational and editorial boards. Her doctoral research investigates correlates of effective leadership.
Students interested in registering may contact the Olivet College of Business for more information. Visit: ocb.olivetuniversity.edu
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