
Art and Design Dean's Paper Published

May 01, 2013

Dean of Olivet University's College of Art and Design, Dr. Joan Brix Carter, has just received notice that ARTS MAGAZINE recently published the paper she delivered at the International ACE Conference in July of 2012 on their online issue. The paper looked at the impact of the American Revolution on American naïve artist and notable Quaker minister, Edward Hicks. The online version enabled publishing of all of the images used in her talk.

Read her paper here:

Dr. Carter delivered her paper in Boston, Massachusetts last year at an international gathering of theologians, clergies and artists. The conference addressed concerns and issues relating to arts and Christianity. 

Dr. Carter has also received notice that her article on Giotto de Bondone is now ready for
viewing on the International Scholar's Encyclopedia to all subscribers.

As an additional project, Dr. Carter has also been creating dramatic renderings of New Testament narratives for the Seattle Performing Arts group, "the Travelers." The group is now open for 2013-14 bookings.


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