
OIT Tech Club Kicks Off with Cloud and Training

December 07, 2012

Olivet Institute of Technology, OIT, establishes a new "Tech Club" in bringing students together to share in technology trends and developments. The objective for the club is to offer students basic ideas and skills on programming, cultivate teamwork abilities, learn about the latest trends in the tech field, and challenge themselves by competing with other programmers around the world.

The club offers membership for all OIT students as well as those seeking interest in the programming field.   The club also encourages students who are interested in participating in programming competitions such as ACM-ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) and Google Code Jam.  It will provide termly training and organize intramural contests. The first training camp was held between 2012 fall quarter and winter quarter. 

OIT's Tech Club also coordinates panels and events allowing students to listen to industry professionals and technology entrepreneur speakers.  Through the new club, OIT offers a bit of everything for programmers in all levels.  The next event invites students to join the UP 2012 Cloud Computing Conference in San Francisco.  The event is one of the biggest and oldest cloud events featuring topics in Business Agility, Cloud Mobility, Data Management, Case Studies, and more.  Contact the OIT program director for more information on how to participate in the club's next event. 

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