
JCM Offers Class on Contemporary Praise & Worship Songs

September 14, 2012

Dean of the Jubilee College of Music, Dr. Merril Smoak, will be teaching a class about this genre of Christian music entitled Contemporary Praise & Worship Songs during Olivet University's fall 2012 Quarter.  The course is part of the Jubilee College of Music BA and MA curriculum.

The course will trace the development of contemporary praise and worship music from the scripture choruses of the early 1970’s such as "Seek Ye First" to Matt Redman's 2011 song "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)."  The course will focus on the texts and music of these songs written in the 1970's, the 1980's, the 1990's and the first decade of the 21st century.  

Dr. Smoak has been leading congregations in singing these praise & worship songs since the late 1970's. 

"Contemporary praise and worship songs continue to be a vital part of Christian life and worship" states Dr. Smoak.

"Contemporary praise & worship music wonderfully lifts our hearts and minds upwards to God. Along with hymns they provide Christians the opportunity to sing their theology and lift their voices in unified praise to God," added the JCM Dean.  

Each Sunday Dr. Smoak leads his congregation in singing contemporary praise and worship songs accompanied by a contemporary worship band.

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