
Journalism Dean to Host Annual New Way Media Festival

September 01, 2012

Olivet College of Journalism dean Dr. David James Randolph will be hosting this year’s New Way Media & Art Festival in Albany, California across from the Bay Bridge.  The event has been shared by sponsorship from the Center for Arts, Religion and Education, an affiliate of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) and Olivet University for several years.  The annual event gathers Christian writers, painters, poets, and photographers for a weekend of visual art, poetry, music, and literary appreciation. The New Way Media and Art Festival will kickoff on Friday September 7 through Sunday September 9.

"It will be a great opportunity for students and other community members to see great contemporary art with spiritual themes and talk with the artists," said Dr. Randolph.

Accompanying Dr. Randolph as hosts and MC's for the event will be Mr. David Madgalene and Rev. Dr. Sam Parks. The event will feature main artists and presenters such as Don Hazen, Mollie Hazen, Kirk Lumpkin, John Skaggs, Rebecca Skaggs, and Lyn Talkovsky.

Event Information: Friday, September 7 - Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday:  5:15 pm - 7:30 pm (By invitation only)
Saturday:  2 pm - 6 pm.
Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm.
(Saturday and Sunday Free and Open to the Public. Donations are welcomed)

The Albany United Methodist Church,
980 Stannage Ave. (at Marin Ave.; one block off Solano Ave.),
Albany, California 94706. 

David James Randolph currently serves as the dean of Olivet College of Journalism.  He is an educator and spiritual leader widely known as a speaker and writer who lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area of California.

He is one of the first to observe Patriot Sunday, the Sunday before Patriot Day 9/11, as a time of remembrance and renewal. His work has been featured on the NBC "Today Show," CBS "In Our Time," the National Radio Pulpit on NBC, The New York Times, and numerous other media. His life and work bridge church and society and the 20th and 21st Centuries.

For more information about the event, please visit:

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