
Christmas Spirit Fills OU Campus, Neighborhood

December 21, 2011

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. – December 19 marked a special day at Olivet University as school senior faculty members and staff gathered with students at the annual Christmas party to celebrate the season. 

Although it was cold outside, the hearts of all who participated in the event were warmed by the joyous Christmas atmosphere.
To kick things off, Olivet’s President, and very own Santa Claus, Dr. William Wagner led students in a white elephant gift exchange, a popular Christmas game that typically involves the trading or “stealing” of gifts. In explaining the game, Dr. Wagner shared how the goal of a white elephant party is usually to entertain rather than to gain though white elephant parties have been known to result in playful rivalries between players over gifts.
Following the unwrapping of gifts, OU Vice President Dr. Ray Tallman delivered a short Christmas message, explaining the significance of the gifts that had been presented to the baby Jesus by the magi (wise men) some 2,000 years ago.
Following the celebration inside Craig Memorial Chapel, students were organized into groups and headed out to sing carols to OU’s neighbors.    Together with staff and faculty, students strolled out into the evening with candles in hand to fill the night with light and music, blessing the neighborhoods surrounding the campus.  With their hearts and souls, students sang to their neighbors, who were very grateful for the blessing.
After caroling, everyone returned to Olivet’s chapel for hot chocolate, snacks, and fellowship.  The time offered an opportunity for the students to draw closer to their classmates and teachers. And through conversation, international students from overseas learned more about the American culture.
Monday’s event was organized by Dr. Wagner in coordination with OU’s Student Affairs department.  At Olivet, the Christmas/New Years break will begin Dec. 23 and conclude Jan. 1.


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