
Olivet Offers Video Production Experience for Journalism Students

January 25, 2011

The Olivet College of Journalism (OCJ) prepares for its workshop series on video broadcasting and editing.  The workshops serve as a supplementary resource to OCJ’s existing media course which offers opportunities for students to utilize current social websites as a media outlet for content.  The video workshop series includes a survey of the production pipeline along with hands on learning using editing software for both Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro.

With online video becoming a more utilized tool in the journalism field, students will be taught best techniques in filming, equipment techniques, and broadcasting for web, phones, and tablets.  Areas of lighting, timing, and storytelling are taught in collaboration with the Olivet College of Art & Design (OCAD).

The final assignment will include testing their newly learned skills learned on the field.  Students will work in groups to cover selected events that range from a documentary and interview formats.  The project will be reviewed by invited industry professionals.  After the completion of filming, students will work on editing then feeding their content onto social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for an overall production experience. The program prepares future journalists with skill sets for tools that are readily available online.


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