
OCJ Students Learn About Searching Public Records

March 26, 2010

Olivet College of Journalism (OCJ) students learned firsthand how to access public records at government offices during a trip to the San Francisco Civic Center. 

Students visited City Hall and the San Francisco Superior Courthouse. Inside the historic government buildings, they used computer systems to look up various public documents including property records and lawsuit filings.

Possessing the know-how to interpret public records can help journalists find leads to breaking news or find information to build in-depth investigative reports. Under the Freedom of Information Act, all federal agencies are required to disclose records requested in writing by any person. The law protects the public’s right to access to government records.

It was an experiential learning experience as part of OCJ’s Advanced Reporting course, taught by veteran journalist and OCJ Professor Dr. William Alnor.  The course teaches students the art of investigative reporting, from acquiring primary sources to organizing an investigative story.

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