
OTCS Student Focus on Islamic Issues

March 17, 2010

Students of Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) are gaining deeper insight into Islamic issues in the mission field this semester.  Dr. Joseph Ray Tallman, Dean of OTCS and world-renowned expert in Islamic issues as it relates to missions is teaching a course entitled Introduction to Islam.

This course was opened in conjunction with several mission conferences related to Islamic or Middle East missions.  Students of the class prepared for the course by attending a series of conferences held at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.  The conferences focused on up to date issues related to missions in this area. 

Dr. Tallman’s course continued much of the same themes as the conferences.  In addition, Dr. Tallman emphasized the importance for the Christians to study Islam’s recent rapid expansion and growth.

“I am very pleased to have Dr. Tallman teach this course on his expertise,” said Jonathan Park, program director of OTCS, “it gives a variety to our Master of Divinity curriculum and opens up new horizon for missions.”

An acknowledged expert in Missiology, especially in the field of Middle East studies, Dr. Tallman has served as a Muslim World consultant with OC International, international director of Arab World Ministries, and was also a field missionary in the country of Morocco.

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