
Students Learn, Network at Local Lecture Series

February 23, 2010

Olivet College of Business MBA students gained insight about creating financials at a recent lecture titled "Financial Modeling & Management,” hosted at the nearby University of California Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. The lecture is part of the Entrepreneurial Best Practices Series being offered this academic year by the Haas School for individuals interested in learning about the practical aspects of entrepreneurial activity.

Featured Speaker Michael C. Berg is an experienced CPA and successful entrepreneur. He spoke about the financial side of a business plan and starting a company. "The purpose of the finance model is to predict," Berg said to the audience of aspiring and fellow entrepreneurs from Berkeley and surrounding areas. "People want to know you know your business --the whole business," he added.

Berg’s talk complements students’ learning in Olivet’s spring semester MBA course MG600 Marketing Management. The course explores marketing opportunities through product development, pricing strategies, customer communications and channel management. A special focus of this semester’s course is the promises, pitfalls and processes of online marketing.

Students who attended the lecture praised the event as a helpful learning experience and networking opportunity.


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