
Gaining Perspectives at Mission Conference

January 12, 2010

Students of Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) attended a two-day conference titled "Islam and the Church: A Seminar on Christian Movements within Islam", offered by the Kim School of Global Missions at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, CA on January 8-9, 2010.

This event was coordinated by Dr. Ray Tallman, dean of OTCS, in order to offer diverse mission and cultural perspectives to students. As a former missionary in Morocco, Dr. Tallman was featured during the conference during a seminar entitled “Comparing Messianic Jews & Jesus Muslims”. Other seminars and breakout session topics included "Insider Movements," "C1-6 Considerations," "God and Allah," "The Bible and the Koran," and "Church Planting Among Muslims."

The conference was opened to all interested Olivet University students.  Students enrolled in Dr. Tallman’s Spring 2010 OTCS course on Islam attended the session as a prerequisite workshop to prepare for the upcoming course.

The combination of the conference and the course will allow students to open their minds to a variety of mission-perspectives and present diverse opportunities for future missionaries.

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