
Music Program Revises Curriculum

May 20, 2009

Jubilee College of Music (JCM) is making several important changes to the bachelor of arts in music curriculum this fall.

Two advanced music theory courses (MT200 Harmony I and MT210 Harmony II), and one music performance course (MP300 Piano III), are being added to the bachelor of arts in music program. The new theory courses will build on students’ sight reading, dictation, and basic music theory skills with more advanced music analysis in harmony and musical forms. The new performance course will include instruction in original composition and music arranging.

An additional change to the music program is the introduction of MH300 History of Church I and MH310 History of Church Music II in fall 2009, which together will give students a broad survey of the history of Western church music from the ancient era through the 20th century.

"The findings that led to these changes indicate they will provide JCM students with the firm musical foundation they need to be competent musicians” JCM professor Jade Cho, who serves on the curriculum committee.

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