
JCM Incorporates Contemporary Music Into Worship Studies

March 10, 2009

The Jubilee College of Music (JCM) is incorporating the works of contemporary Christian music artists as it continues to expand worship studies. JCM's worship studies generally focus on classical church music, but has recently added a practical component to the study by looking into contemporary Christian music artists.

As part of this effort, JCM Dean Dr. Merrill Smoak took his class to Celebration Concert's event in San Jose which featured contemporary artist such as Israel Houghton, New Breed, and Chris Tomlin.  One JCM student reflected, "It turned out to be a great opportunity for me to gain a new perspective on the artists and music which I have spent so much time studying."

Throughout the semester, Dean Smoak explained his aim to provide students with opportunities to learn from both the practical experience and theoretical musical knowledge.  His hope is to expose students to events, conferences, and seminars to enhance the classroom learning.

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