
JCM Attends Hymn Society Conference

July 30, 2008

Jubilee College of Music (JCM) staff and faculty attended the annual conference of the Hymn Society of the United States and Canada July 13-17 in Berkeley, California.

Entitled, "Congregational Song and the Arts: Gifts for Worship and Ministry," the 5-day conference, attracted 300 participants from around the United States and Canada with a program that included seminars, workshops, discussion sessions, and hymn-sing festivals. The event was held at different churches near the campus of the University of California, Berkeley.

"One of the most impressive aspects of the conference was people's enthusiasm to share ideas with one another," noted conference attendee JCM Program Director Emily Ko, who attended the conference with College representative Dean Dr. Merril Smoak. 

More information about the Hymn Society can be found at

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