
Ralph D. Winter E-Library Project Update

April 08, 2008

The Ralph D Winter e-Library development is receiving added consideration thanks to the university community's feedback. Following a special presentation of the e-Library plan last month to stakeholders, key university leaders, as well as members of the staff and student communities, the library issued an online survey soliciting comments and suggestions about its development efforts.

Several themes from the e-library development plan have caught wide attention according to survey results, including digital content-gathering, technology platform renovation, and partnerships in the Christian library movement.

"We will be working together with Christian organizations, libraries, and publishers so that digital content can be made available to Christian end-users around the world," explained Research & Development Director Mark Li, who directs a team of researchers in his role as e-library director. "There is a lot of development necessary on the business side…and we will be working on new models to encourage digital distribution."

The March presentation emphasized technology priorities in the e-library development plan. The process and schedule for mastering of XML ebook standards and platform development were especially well received, according to an initial review of survey responses.  A continuing concern is content-building, which the plan addresses with several approaches – namely, creative partnerships and publishing – all positively received by survey participants.

"We have received encouragement from leaders in the digital Christian library movement already," reported Li. "We believe that our work will be useful not just for our University, but for fulfilling the Great Commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ."

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