
JCM students take on ministry practice

March 06, 2007

Interviewing artists, corresponding with record label executives, handling pre-released material, and homework is all part of a normal day for students of the Jubilee College of Music and participant in JCM's 2007 ministry practice program.

Pushing hard for development in 2007, JCM affiliate ministries have opened the doors for ministry practice students to be involved in their works on a new level – a phenomenon spurred by desire to develop practical learning at JCM, as well as the needs of the ministries themselves as they work to accomplish high goals for the year.

"We're currently in the midst of a relaunching for our site," shares JCM Assistant Director Emily Ko, "which is something that has opened up a lot of positions in the ministry, and we're thankful that we've been able to fill those spots with students from JCM.  Not only are students having a chance to really sink their teeth into the kind of work that goes on in the ministry, but they're also helping us to develop the ministry field at a greater scale, which will be beneficial not only to themselves when they graduate, but to the future classes of JCM students as well."

And while there are plenty of ministry practice opportunities for students on the San Francisco campus, another ministry in New York is giving online students a chance to participate in what will be the group's first public concert and recorded album in English.

"Students at JCM have the opportunity to experience what so many won't be able to experience even after they graduate," says JCM Director Chris Chou.  "The combined efforts of the universities academics and ministry practice programs, plus the abundance of work experience from being involved in our ministry, are what make JCM's mission of training ministry bound men and women possible. We anticipate this concert and album to be a major milestone towards fulfilling our mission."

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