Olivet Faculty Lecture Series Fall 2006
October 09, 2006
University will convene a Faculty Lecture Series October 24-28. The lectures, which will be held in several cities in
East Asia , will bring together Biblical and theological scholars with faculty, students and others to reflect critically about ministry in the twenty-first century and grapple with issues of global mission.
In addition to the lectures, participants will have the opportunity to experience the nature and direction of academic life at
University , and to hear presentations by ministry leaders supportive of Olivet's learning community.
Featured lecturers include professors from Olivet Theological College & Seminary (OTCS) Dr. William Lyle Wagner, who is also the Academic Dean of
University ; Dr. Joseph Ray Tallman, Director of Middle East Missions; and Dr. Tom Cowley, Christian Service Director of Olivet University.
The event is also a time for networking and opportunities for fellowship between students and professors.
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