
University Plans for Campus Expansion

May 09, 2006

Olivet University is in the process of choosing firms to develop a master plan for campus expansion. Together with a team of top administrators at the University, Chief Operating Officer Walker Tzeng is identifying which firms will help Olivet University realize its goals for the short and long term development of its campus. The project is particularly challenging since Olivet is considering incorporating an ambitious Chapel-building program into the plan.

"Under the leadership of the University President, we have engaged in a series of intensive internal discussions during the past year with senior administrators, faculty, realtors, architects and other stakeholders who are helping us establish a set of principles for campus planning and development," said Tzeng. "Next we must work out strategies for implementing these principles to specific decisions – especially concerning possible locations for new facilities."

"We are searching for a firm that will support the collaborative approach we're taking to accomplish our projects," added Tracy McNeal, Olivet's Director of Institutional Research. She is part of the development team leading the campus planning effort. "We are building a team in order to coordinate ideas from a variety of different sources."

The process of developing the master campus plan is expected to take up to two years. According to Tzeng, it will engage many members of the University through meetings, surveys and less formal procedures. During earlier discussions on campus planning, Olivet officials decided that any expansion would probably take place on a site other than on the main campus, currently located in downtown San Francisco near the financial district.

Among the factors affecting the planning process are projected increases in Olivet's undergraduate and graduate student body. Growth is evident in size this year's freshman class. "As enrollment climbs the University must consider ways to meet the residential requirements of these students," said McNeal.

Olivet officials on the campus planning team also will be responsible for working to ensure all school activities are properly integrated with the campus plan. The team intends to meet bi-weekly with the University's Administrative Council, which will give general guidance to the campus planning team. "Later, the Council will respond to the team's recommendations," said Tzeng, who will coordinate of the planning team's efforts.

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