
Olivet University Opens Academic Year with 2005 Convocation

September 01, 2005

Olivet University kicked off the academic year on August 30 with Opening Convocation 2005, held at the school's on-campus chapel, located in downtown San Francisco. Over 100 guests attended the event, representing administrators, faculty members and students from all five colleges of Olivet University.

Dr. Joseph Ray Tallman, the Director of Middle East Missions of Olivet Theological College and Seminary (OTCS) delivered the convocation address.

"You must get three 'D's' at Olivet University," said Dr. Ray Tallman to a noticeably surprised audience. He soon clarified that "these three 'D's' are 'determination,' 'discipline,' and 'discernment.' " 

Dr. Tallman explained further that working diligently for these three D's throughout the upcoming year would enable the students in the audience and the hundreds more who attended by Internet broadcast to become greater disciples of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Tallman's speech was followed immediately by remarks from Olivet University President Dr. David Jang, who delivered a message that drew upon scriptural passages in 1 Corinthians, Psalm 19, and Romans.

"A university is a place where people study the truth," Dr. Jang concluded, "and the essence of truth is Christ."

The ceremony ended with an inspiring benediction given by Dr. William Lyle Wagner, Dean of OTCS and a musical selection performed by students from the Jubilee College of Music. A widely attended reception followed the event.

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