
Students Experience Manresa Art Gallery Exhibition

April 20, 2010

Dr. Joan Carter, Dean of Olivet College of Art & Design, and Fr. James Blaettler hosted a private exhibition for Olivet University students at the Manresa Art Gallery located in the St. Ignatius Church on the University of San Francisco campus.  The gallery displayed a variety of paintings, etchings, photography, and sculpture from contemporary and past artists. 

The title of the exhibition “Cross Over Wise” was inspired from Luke 10:21.  Fr. James Blaettler educated students about the artists and their works along with the theme.  “The Cross, once a mark of infamy, came to symbolize divine triumph over the wise of this world.  By Christ taking the path of greatest resistance, a spiritual crossover was made. “said Blaettler.

Students experienced images that were attuned to Christianity in both the past and contemporary setting. Dr. Carter was thrilled to see students gain a better understanding of how to view art.  “Seeing the artworks together definitely strengthens the experience in the arts at Olivet.” Said Carter. 

After the gallery exhibition, Fr. Blaettler gave a special tour of St. Ignatius Church and explained how art has played a role in enhancing spiritual experience.

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