On Thursday, September 9, faculty and staff together with students convened at Olivet University for Fall Convocation 2010. The ceremony was held in the University Chapel at the main campus in downtown San Francisco, California.
The exercises commenced with a procession of academic leaders into the Chapel, followed by a musical selections and choral devotions from the Jubilee College of Music. Dr. William Wagner, University President, delivered a warmhearted address welcoming the Olivet community to a new academic year.
New position appointments were announced by Dr. Wagner following his welcome. Dr. Joseph Ray Tallman has been appointed as the University’s Vice President, the first person in the University’s history to hold this title. Taking Dr. Tallman’s place as the Dean of Olivet Theological College and Seminary is Dr. Donald Tinder.
The Convocation Address was delivered by Dr. Tinder, a world renowned theologian who first began teaching at Olivet in the area of historical theology four years ago. Dr. Tinder’s address took the verses from Matthew 24 on the “Olivet Discourse”. He described how the prophecies of Jesus in the “Olivet Discourse” are relevant to the current events of today. He encouraged students to fulfill the mission of Olivet University in “revolutionizing the world through Christian mission.”
Immediately following convocation guests enjoyed a special reception at the executive offices of Olivet University to celebrate the occasion.
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