
ZSDS Annual Doctoral Colloquium Kicks Off at Riverside Campus

November 06, 2017

The annual doctoral colloquium kicks off today at Olivet University’s Riverside campus. The first week of class features four seminars on Doctoral Research, Women in History and Theology, World Movements and Biblical Hermeneutics.

Each class meets for three and a half hours each day for five days. Thirty-three students and five professors from around the world gathered to learn and discuss various theological issues during the colloquium.

Beside lecture hours, students have opportunities to participate in group discussion, presentation and activities outside the class. Before starting the lectures, the faculty gave time to students to share about themselves, their ministries and the calling God has for each person.

“Beside academic activities, I’d like to be sure that we gather here in the same spirit - the spirit of the Lord,” professor of Advanced Biblical Hermeneutics Dr. Susan Bubbers said.

The professors and students also shared their excitement about the transformation of Riverside campus with upgraded classrooms and new landscaping. Dr. Mimi Haddad, who has lectured on Women in History and Theology at the colloquium these two years, said that it is inspiring of what Olivet is doing right now.

The colloquium will continue to meet for the next nine days with various seminars.

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