About Olivet

Welcome to Olivet University, where future leaders and scholars are equipped to change the world for Jesus Christ.


Olivet University is an institution of biblical higher education dedicated to training ministry-bound men and women as biblical scholars and leaders, and to equipping them with the practical skills to preach the Gospel effectively into and after the ‘network generation’ – thus priming them to revolutionize the world through Christian mission.


Our vision is born of God's enduring hope for a world that is "full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9). The fulfillment of this vision inspires, orients, and defines the work of this institution.

Statement of Faith

Olivet University affirms the World Olivet Assembly (WOA) Statement of Faith.

  1. The Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  2. One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory.
  4. The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
  5. The Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
  7. The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

Educational Philosophy: Faith First Doctrine

Olivet University ascribes to the educational philosophy known as ‘faith first,’ which is articulated in the following University-wide doctrine:

Human knowledge as a whole exists and can only rightly be understood within the context of biblical truth, necessitating an approach to education and academic learning that values and thoroughly integrates the habits of scriptural study, reflection, and application across all fields and disciplines.


As an institution of Biblical higher education that values excellence in academics and professional ministry preparation within the context of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Olivet University will

  1. 1. Honor our Bible-based identity and heritage (BIBLICAL TRADITION & PRIDE)
  2. 2. Attain recognition as a world-class institution of Biblical higher education (ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE)

    As a University committed to the evangelism and discipleship of all people through Christian mission, Olivet University will
  3. 3. Engage in programs, partnerships, and services that benefit mission and ministry (ENGAGEMENT)

    As a University pursuing the expression of these values throughout the world–especially among the Network Generation, Olivet University will
  4. 4. Optimize network and technology in the delivery of services and instruction (ACCESS & TECHNOLOGY)

    As a Christian, Gospel-centered community, Olivet University will
  5. 5. Foster a leadership environment that encourages serving others while achieving results (SERVICE)

    As an effective University that seeks to revolutionize the world through Christian mission, Olivet University will
  6. 6. Enhance planning, performance, assessment, and accountability aligned with the values of the University (INSTITUTIONAL QUALITY & EFFECTIVENESS)


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Calendar / Events

  • MAR 19

    Last day of classes

  • MAR 20

    Final exam period

  • MAR 21

    Last day to register without charge

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